When you buy safe moon coins in Bitmart it is going to stay as it is.

Let's say you are buying 1 million safe moon coins in bitmart, it is going to stay as it is. 1 million the safe moon token gold itself when a user buys or sells the safe moon ten percent is taxed the ten percent is split between whoever owns the safe moon five people are shared across the existing safe moon holders and then the remaining five percent goes to the intermediaries but what's happening in bitmart.

How to transfer Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet?

What I noticed is they are not increasing the safe moon coins it's just stable and unstable in the trust wallet on the other hand I'm seeing live updates every second your safe moon coin you're holding goes up you own one million coins every second it adds up like 100 coins 200 coins something like that so basically over the past couple of days I noticed my bitmart safe moon coins went up by half a million which means they were holding also increases when the rate increases the number also increases so overall the idea here is the people who are holding for the long term are going to gain more coins why do you want to lose those coins you invested in it you have to properly note down all these transactions are credited to you.

Below I have mentioned the steps for How to transfer Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust wallet?

Step 1: Copy Trust Wallet I'd

Step 1

Step one is to go and install your trust wallet app and then in the trust wallet app, you just need to enable a safe phone right to do that the arrow on the top right the top right-hand corner click here there is a managed window appears then search for safe mode and enable it the safe mode appears on the first page when you click this on the first time it will ask you whether you want to create a wallet or open up the wallet or something like that you say yes then when you click the save moon on the home Page this one appears on this page, there is send receive a copy you click they receive and then they say the phone wallet opens up you just copy the wallet all you need is the valid id copied into the memory right in the phone.

Step 2: Withdraw from Bitmart and Send it to Trust Wallet.

Step 2

So once you copy the wallet id then come out of the trust wallet app go back to the bitmart tab in the bitmart tab on the asset section at the top bottom right-hand corner there are assets when you click Assets you are going to see your safe moon holdings here right so go to the safe moon click click on that then three buttons appear to deposit withdraw and trade Click the middle button to withdraw so that one the thing to notice is to withdraw you already need to verify Your driver's license or whatever it is your id verification has to be done bitmart allows you to bring in coins inside or buy coins inside they allow you all the time whereas when you start withdrawing they will ask you to verify the id without id verification, you cannot withdraw the coins right now make sure you are already verified your id then click withdraw once you click withdraw you go to this second screen where you have to paste the address you copied the interest wallet right in the previous slide whatever you copied here right the trust wallet id is the valid Id whatever you copied here you just need to paste to the same id here right don't change anything this is your wallet id if you give your wrong wallet id you will miss your set moon make sure that you are entering your Wallet id  if you put someone else validate it goes to them as well right  make sure the right valid id and click the alt so all this is it takes all of your holdings so all of the safe moon from your holdings in bitmap and puts here right it's populated here then for each transaction, they make a fee 200 000 statement coins so after removing these 200 000 the remaining coins come here also another thing is there is a limit the minimum you should have is 505 million save coins I think so you see the minim limit here it appears in the tooltip yeah minim amount five million save coins something like that safe moon coin right  so once you put met all the criteria click the withdraw so the withdrawal takes you to the screen you see created processing once you complete it finishes.

Step 3: Wait for some time

Step 3

The successful image comes processing takes like 2-3 minutes I think it goes very quickly after 2-3 minutes if you go to your trust wallet app again in trustworthy you are going to see your balance statement and the balance amount of the safe moon that's pretty much it so once also every minute you can open this and you are going to be very happy to do this task because your safe moon coin holdings are going to increase like hundreds and 200s what not probably in a day itself you could calculate more than 100 000 coins based on how much you are holding it's going to increase your coins so every minute or two after you can reference it updates seconds right it's a live update live price update you can see the coin price update you can see and also your coins adding up from the transfer cost all of them you can see right that's pretty much it.

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